Windows Sharepoint – not fit for human use

After three hours of messing with Windows Sharepoint, I am absolutely convinced that it was created by a small group of mentally defective monkeys, or possibly hippies.

3 men with many years of computer usage between them, including a Usability Researcher, an Interaction Designer, and a Product Manager –all three of whom are also competent web developers–were unable to accomplish basic tasks and ended up contemplating throwing the computer off an overpass. I only wish we had videotaped our session and could mail it to Microsoft.

Sharepoint was so annoying that we had to decompress a little. I, of course, put on another coworkers helmet and started bashing my head into things.

Josh Callaway decided to shoot me in the face with a nerf dart.Nerf Dart to Forehead

Retribution was swift.
Head butt to chest

And there’s a peek into my typical workday.

3 responses for Windows Sharepoint – not fit for human use

  1. s'mee says:

    read that at first as “Widows Sharepoint”, which in the long run may very well have been…

  2. john says:

    I think callaway is giggling like a little girl in that picture

  3. Howard Roark says:

    Spearing, 15 yard penalty