Instant Messenger Manners

It can take a while for people to adjust to what are considered good manners with new technologies. When people first start using email they tend to forward every urban legend known to man to their entire address book. Some people still answer their mobile phones in movie theaters (some people should be shot). Can you imagine the etiquette problems time travel would cause? “Look, I know I cut you off on the freeway, but it is totally not cool to go back in time and try to stop me from ever being born!”

I understand it takes time for people to adjust, but I am still hoping my brother Joe learns that it is rude to try to scare me with instant messages.

Look what I have to put up with:

5 responses for Instant Messenger Manners

  1. mightyjosh says:

    That pirate tries to scare me all the time. If I get me hands on him, I’ll call you so you can come kick him in the neck.

  2. Keep your scurvy hands away from me gold or I’ll be kicking you in the neck. Yarrr!!!

  3. Joe says:

    I found the pirate that has been bothering you. He looks pretty tough.

  4. shawn says:

    The next time that Pirate comes around when Joe is chatting with you, simply talk to the Pirate and ignore him. Joe will get the hint.

    Here is a good website to help you.

    Yarr! T’ website be a lot o’ fun!

  5. Jenn says:

    hey, that almost sounds like how i talk online! yet, we all modify the way we im people based on the person we’re talking with, right? although nowadays, i forget to include greetings, but go directly to the point of the conversation. rude, yes!

    but besides that, didn’t know your e-mail, but since lele gave me ownership of, just wondering if you still wanted the files on amishrobot dir (that is yours, right?)