Science Is Hard

I have two hypotheses and I am having a very difficult time proving or disproving them because they are so similar in likelihood. Nothing in college prepared me to solve this one.


  1. I have a cold.
  2. Last night a cement mixer backed into my bedroom and dumped a full load of concrete right into my head.

On the plus side, my voice has dropped so low that I am going to record a Barry White tribute album.

10 responses for Science Is Hard

  1. I believe I have some information that would disprove #2:

    Cement mixers live in mortal fear of popcorn.

  2. Joel says:

    disproof for #1: If it is possible to cure strep throat by sheer force of willpower (already proved by Josh), then a simple cold would be out-willed before it even struck.

  3. john says:

    I can vouch for his voice – it is completely unrecognizable and freaky — like some kind of robot, maybe like a robot left out in the cold of in Lancaster County.

  4. elaine says:

    barry white’s voice is totally sexy. you better be careful who you talk to…

  5. dave says:

    You’re too tall to get a cold. Colds hone in on the weak and not-so-tall. Therefore B is the answer to your dilemma. (I thought that you’d have figured this one out by now.)

  6. Adam says:

    Last week I had either A or B happen to me, still unsure which. My head became so congested that my ears became plugged. The experience of being half deaf and sometimes dizzy was both fun and annoying. Maybe in visiting your site last week, I transferred some Hulkish-Mutant-Virus that had attributes of the common cold and a computer virus. What have I done…

  7. Rob says:

    Don’t make me groggy, you wouldn’t like me when I’m groggy.

  8. elaine says:

    you should write a birthday entry so that i could post a comment that says “happy birthday you genius, you!” [or something]

  9. dave says:

    NOt too long ago I felt like i fell into a huge machine with tons of giant metal moving parts going up and down, and then giant wheels moving around that grind everything they touch into a bloody pulp. Either that or my body was really sore and i was passing out.

  10. martin says:

    I just remembered my favorite thing to say when I have LVS (low voice syndrome). “Ninty-Five, Point Five. K – L – O – S. I got some Doors coming-up-here-for-ya. Right after this message.”