I Know Where the Summer Goes

The air is getting cooler.

I like to stick my arm out the window as I drive to work and feel the cool air blow across my forearm and occasionally scoop into my sleeve and billow-out my shirt. It feels like swimming.

Fall is slowly coming, and that is a good thing as far as I am concerned. I don’t like the heat. I did when I was a kid in Southern California. I used to love getting into a burning hot car and sitting there with the windows up for a minute. That feeling is gone. Maybe two years in Venezuela as a missionary cured me. 115 degrees, 90% humidity, and the sun hovering inches above your head can have that effect. My skin wasn’t designed to be in the sun either. I am probably only fit to live in Ireland or Seattle.

I like the crisp breezes of fall, the changing leaves, the transitory nature of it. I like wearing a coat and evenings that justify the drinking of hot chocolate.

Fall is a pleasant portent. A cozy-making messenger warning that the end is near. I think Duane summed it up well. He said something along the lines of, “Fall is Nature’s way of reminding you to hurry up and create something.”

9 responses for I Know Where the Summer Goes

  1. John says:

    Fall’s coming? Not in St. George, Ut where it’s still 100 degrees every day. We hit fall in November, Winter in January and spring in February. ;)

    My favorite time of year is winter because I don’t have to mow or water my lawn.

  2. aporitic says:

    Fall in Utah (northern Utah I guess) is what makes living here worth it. Summer sucks. Winter drags on too long and Spring is to messy and hesitant.

    Fall comes and reminds you that all that bad stuff you’ve been thinking about this rotten hellish place aint necessarily so. I feel my Inner Optimist revive and begin to chide my Outer Pessimist when fall days first arrive.

    Saturday was definitely fallish and I had to go on two walks because of the perfectness of it all.

  3. josh says:

    I agree completely. Fall makes me want to be outside, not summer. Summer makes me want to dig a hole and crawl into it.

    I want a perma-fall. Like how antarctica is always frozen. I want the land that is always in fall.

  4. dave says:

    the land that is always fall is Vancouver bc. The summers are barely comfortable enough for a teeshirt, and winters mostly sweaters, and slickers, and sometimes furry boots. the only day that can happen any day of the year here is a cool cloudy one, when the rain doesn’t really fall, but it sort of hovers in the air. I love this place, but when it rains like this on end for two weeks, I sort of wish that it would stop. Yep, summer in Utah sucks. I love the summer up here, it’s like fall down there. Alive, open windows, breezy.

  5. shawn says:

    After that post, Josh, I may need your de-funkifizing list. Man, I miss the fall. So Cal does have a fall, but it is nothing like the fall in your neck of the woods. It is a fall in which you can breath in the air and literally feel a part of the world. That may sound weird, but the feeling you get from a good, brisk, fall morning is almost indescribable. To me the feeling of fall is not one of having to get something done quickly as you say, but of a new beginning. It’s nature’s biggest irony–a time when things start to die, and yet you personally feel more alive.

    (Insert your favorite Robert Frost poem here).

  6. josh says:

    No, I am with you here shawn. That makes sense to me, and isn’t far off from what I mean (maybe different from what I say…but that is another story).

  7. mightyjosh says:

    oh yeah. fall. mmmmm. i have been sick of summer since sometime in late june. fall is my favorite time of year. it is the most nostalgic–something about the weather changing takes me back. maybe it is the time of year when school would start. you’d get all the new clothes, have a new class, new teachers. a new year to segment your memories by. then all the holidays: halloween and thanksgiving and christmas just spawn so many childhood memories.

    and if you need good fall music through in some coastal ;) . . . or mojave 3. landing is good for fall, too.

  8. elaine says:

    i drove the alpine loop at sunset about a week ago, it was about the most perfect experience ever. i like going on long walks in the fall and crunching the dead leaves. looking up thru the trees at the brilliant blue sky. yup, i love it, altho i will definitely miss summer bikerides at midnite. the part about being in school again is not really my favorite.

  9. Renee says:

    I crave fall in ways that cannot be measured. This may well be spurred on by the fact that it is short and elusive here in Nebraska. Here we are nearly a week after Labor Day and it’s still hovering around 90. Utterly Miserable. I WANT TO WEAR SWEATERS!