You are welcome

2 links that will, no doubt, bring you great joy. Unless you are somehow averse to enjoying anything. In that case, please leave.

First, the greatest product review ever written. I defy you to read this and not want to buy a Mojo Mango.

“But dang, man. Why did I even doubt. The good people at Fuze just get me, on a deep and wonderful emotional level. They make products that say: “Here. Here is the beauty you dream about every night but forget each morning with the rising of the sun. You forget because the dream is too lovely, and life is so painful. Wandering in the harsh light of day, searching for a flavor that only existed in your dreams, your soul would be torn asunder. But here. It is a new day. Come into our arms and let us hold you and rock you and slowly sing you awake.”

And second, courtesy of John, patterns you can print out to make little paper robots!

9 responses for You are welcome

  1. adrienne says:

    I love these juice people. A lot. Especially I love the little tiny fairy bite. I laughed and laughed. And now I’m thirsty.

  2. I will buy this juice before I sleep tonight.

  3. martin says:

    I am now afraid to try a Mango Mojo for fear that I will not feel the same euphoric glee and exclaim “It’s like there’s a party in my mouth and everybody’s invited!” However, I am a slave to strong, third party, pseudo-expert product endorsements that overwhelm me with compelling reasons to try a product. I declare that if you were not coaxed to try, or rather did not enjoy, the essay on Mango Mojo, then you are animated by something other than human blood.

  4. dave says:

    Does anyone know who Joe Hunt is? He writes poetry just like this. Has anyone read “Good times Jesus”? It stirs the warm coals within the recess of even the most callous soul.

  5. notjohn says:

    I think everyone is missing the point here — little paper robots you can make and call your own!!! I think you can even name them, though I only say this for you non-japanese reading people, if you read japanese you have to use the names given there (that’s just the way it is). — I mean, can you resist, for example, F – the F1 Kanga! or J – the Junk Crusher!

  6. check out to see one of the best rock “video” ever.

  7. this one guy says:

    I thankyou, but I stagger if but just enough to gasp and cough and flicker. I emerge unburied from a world that I have left behind. Perhaps the euphoric shock enshrining my unopen eyes is thanks enough; I only have time to exist for but a few moments as I bounce in from between the metaphysical mango worlds. I transition from what I thought was life to something otherworldly. I fear for the decades of thought that reined in a mind that never actually was, holding hope like a small monkey that after all the chicanery, I will become some part of this squishy, flawless thing.

  8. metatron118 says:

    gaybar is the most amazing video ever.

  9. martin says:

    Gaybar was lame. The mango mojo I enjoyed yesterday was excellent. It wasn’t quite the waking dream I was promised – but I did not begrude my $1.75 to have one supplied ice cold in the parking lot outside my office.