(not so)Slim Goodbody

Working from home today, and some PBS for kids show is on tv. It is giving me a major childhood flashback. Do you remember the guy who wears the suit with the organs and blood vessels on it? I don’t remember if I thought he was creepy when I was a kid (he for sure was), but he is much creepier now.He is still running around in that embarrassing suit, but now looking old and with a little gut.

The man should have put a clause in his contract that stipulated he could wear a sweater or something after he hit 40.

(Apparently the character is Slim Goodbody. Hopefully the ads below will help those of you looking for a Slim Goodbody Costume)

16 responses for (not so)Slim Goodbody

  1. elaine says:

    i’d just barely forgotten about the super hero of health and now you had to go and bring up such a painful memory! thanks a lot josh!!

  2. joe says:

    that guy was such a freak! He was creepy then and is creepy now. He had an afro way after they were cool and way before they were “retro”. He was not ahead of his time, he was just a see thru dork.

  3. joe says:

    and now he has a mullet

  4. Chris says:

    That’s not a gut he’s sporting. That bulge is a little too low for a gut…

    Kids should not have to be subjected to unitards.

    My friend’s mom used to threaten them that she would put on her nude-colored body suit and dance around when their friends came over unless they shaped up.

  5. Adam says:

    A nude man with a mullet… He knows that there’s not one elementary age boy or girl in the U.S. that would take him serious. His costume and hairstyle must be a marketing tactic aimed at female, single, middle age elementary school teachers cause they think it’s hot. They’re the ones that purchase his “School Assembly Programs.” Clever marketing.

  6. Lionel Hutz says:

    This guy actually came to Dasha’s Elementary school when she was in 4th grade. It was her first experience at telling somebody was gay just by looking at them.

  7. dave says:

    I always sort of liked him, I never actually watched the show as a kid though, I more thought about how cool it would be it wear one of those cool one piece suits. Later I thought about having a candy-apple red suit with yellow boots, all glittery. Didn’t he have a clever little mustache too? How a man can pull off wearing a one piece spandex suit of the interior of the human body, at the same time pull of a mustache of glorious proportions, negotiating the subjective interior world with the concrete physical. And he gets to do this for a living!

  8. rick says:

    I thought this guy was gone years ago I did a search on the internet to show my girlfriend whos song I have been haunted with for years and come to find out he’s still out there. It must have been 25 30 years ago since I last seen him. “Slim Goodbody brave and true a man of health a hero who leads the team at body control nutritions his mission good healths his goal” I cannot get that song out of my head even after all these years. I’m traumatized.

  9. Steve says:

    I always liked Slim. The set was always really cool and I actually think I learned quite a bit. At least not the new shows. I like the old 70s/early 80s suit and set. Sentimental, I suppose. He may seem a bit creepy now that I am 27, I admit, but when I was a kid, I thought it was great.

  10. Dave says:

    Does anyone know where I could get a slimbody costume? A friend and I are thinking of putting the scare back into Holloween parties by showing up as Slimbody. Email me

  11. Billy says:

    Hey stop making fun of me. I only did that so I could make some money. I used to live in the dumpster now I make millions of cents a year. One day I was eating a hearty meal of rancid milk and left-over pork at a fancy resteraunt. Then when one of the producers of PBS came to the back to smoke he found me. When I went to do the interview they asked me if I could sing and dance. So I did. And now I gross you children out for years to come. MOOOAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

  12. Yes! I was in elementary school through the early and mid 90s (just graduated high school this year) and constantly made fun of that show. Ah, memories!

  13. Nick says:

    I too was wanting to dress like slim this year for HW. let me know if you guys also find any info on how to find this disturbing outfit.

  14. Nick says:

    I too was wanting to dress like slim this year for HW. let me know if you guys also find any info on how to find this disturbing outfit.

  15. nicole says:

    did anyone ever find out where to get a slim goodbody costume. i am looking for one of the muscular system. please let me know if you know anything! thanks nicole

  16. Aurora says:

    Are you kidding…anyone who wrote a song called “Switching the Twitching” is ok in my book.