Radio Silence

Amish Radio is broadcasting once again!

Due to a screw-up by GoDaddy my domain was expired in their records. This took amishrobot down for several days.

If you have sent me an email in the past 5 days, I did not receive it.

Godaddy customer support was less than helpful. They basically said, “We screwed up. We are going to try to fix it, but we have no idea how long that will take”.

After 4 days I decided to take things into my own hands. I found the CEO’s email address last night and wrote him a little letter. This morning there was a response “from the office of the President”, “We apologize for the inconvenience. the problem is now fixed”. They also extended my domain registration for another year for free.

Now, after that little break I have a bunch of stuff that I have been wanting to write. Something about it being 3:20 am is making me feel tired though.