Free Your Mind

You people that don’t operate in a state of constant sleep deprivation need to wake up. Literally. I mean it. Quit sleeping so much.

I tend to go to bed around 1:30 am and get up around 7 am. I find that this schedule really frees my mind. It leaves my thoughts unburdened by things like cohesion, clarity, creativity…

9 responses for Free Your Mind

  1. dave says:

    I find that whenever I don’t sleep, I’m really unorganized, but on the flip side I can come up with really bizaare, yet useless thoughts. There seems to be a direct correlation. Pick your poison I guess, I’ll take the strange thoughts anyday.

    Sleepiness also can be pesky and tends to interrupt my otherwise smooth schedule. It’s the enemy of productivity. One great way to sidestep sleep (and eating for that matter) is video games. Gambling is another way to sidestep sleep and food, but it is costly–albeit better than just laying there and wasting time. I feel sorry for all of the ancient peoples that didn’t have video games and blackjack. They probably slept way too much. That type of laziness really urks me.

  2. john says:

    hard to believe from a guy who bailed on 50″ of Ninja Gaiden by 10 pm!

  3. john says:

    My schedule is similar, just shifted 2 hrs: 11:30pm to 5am (and if we account for the time zone difference, you and I are more in synch than my wife and I are…)

    On the video games at night note, I once overheard a Muslim college student complaining about his roommate to a friend of his. It was Ramadan, when devout Muslims fast from sunup to sundown for one month, and he was saying, “my roommate sleeps all day during Ramadan. He wakes up at sunset and then eats Doritos and plays video games until dawn.”

    Maybe the roommate could go to Vegas for next Ramadan.

  4. Swertfeger says:

    Amen to that. Sleep is for weaklings.

  5. Nancy says:

    I do about the same thing, but I go to bed at about midnight, stay awake until 1 or 2-ish, and then get up at 6:45. It works. So what if I almost fell asleep in the driver’s ed simulator?

  6. dave says:

    THe only way to really test how alive you are is to not sleep. Oh the freedom of it all. The ultimate would be to never sleep, and work as a pizza delivery. Anything else simply won’t do.

  7. Joe says:

    I used to be known for my ability to stay up until all hours. At one point Josh even had to stage an intervention so that my health wouldn’t fail me. And now, now I am in bed by 10:30 and up by 6:30. Today was an exception. As I walked out the door to go to work I happened to look at my watch and realize that it wasn’t 8am, but 7am. I had somehow gotten up an hour early. SoI went back to bed in my clothes for an hour.

  8. H. Roark says:

    I Sleep from 2am till 8am but I work in the medicle field so I am on call. In that 6hr period I am often required to go into the hospital. I do feel my cognitive skills are better with low levels of sleep. I also found that I become irratible, impatient and not pleasant to be around. There has to be a happy medium.

  9. Furious George says:

    I can Sleep when I’m dead…