God of Thunder

Last night as we were getting Reese (not quite two-years-old) ready for bed a thunderstorm rolled in. Lightning flashed and thunder shook the windows. Reese got excited and wanted to go outside. I decided we should drive up a hill that overlooks the valley and watch the lightning.

As we drove, and the thunder boomed, Reese was shouting from the back seat, “Oh my gosh! Oh my gosh Daddy, thunder! Thunder Daddy!” He made me excited about it too. As we drove up the hill he shrieked, “Daddy, thunder, again! Again, 1, 2, 3..again daddy!”

So I played along, “OK Reese, here we go, 1,2,3 [sometimes up to 10]”. BOOM!

“Oh my gosh Daddy! Again!”

So here’s my question: If the kid thinks that I control the weather, why doesn’t he always listen to me!?“

PS–If you try to take a picture of lightning, even if you are smart and use 15 second exposures, you will end up so frustrated that you will want to throw your camera off the hill. You will find that after taking a couple dozen photos, only ONE will even have lightning in it. That photo may look like this:

6 responses for God of Thunder

  1. dave says:

    I knew this kid, all I had to do was say the word thunder and he ran away crying. Apparently just saying the word had a similar effect to the actual thing.

  2. martin says:

    Does Dave’s speaking voice resemble that of Louis Armstrong? James Earl Jones? Christina Aguilera? He has established that to an ewok he is a giant, and thus twice as imposing to them with a rough, booming or over the top voice. However Josh wins because he didn’t scare his son even though he appears to be doing something quite miraculous.

  3. dave says:

    This is so weird because this kid truly looked like a little ewok. Big dark eyes and the buck teeth and everything. I should have established that I was about seven at the time and this kid was about four, so I loomed over him like manute bol. One day his dad came out and screamed at us and we all ran away (including his son). I do however bow before Josh, God of Thunder, as winner for inspiring the awe in his son, though acknowledging that it wasn’t he, but a massive collision of clouds that create the actual thunder noise. My voice is not so Christina Aguilara/Louis Armstrong as much as Celine Dione meets Bob Sagett.

  4. martin says:

    I bet the French Canadian Accent is quite a hit with the ladies . . . .

  5. dave says:

    Yup, like you wouldn’t believe. So is the hollow chuckle as I finish my punchlines.

  6. dave says:

    Okay, I’ve got this one figured out. In an attempt to make my comments more relevent to the post as Josh would like. Your son still won’t listen to you even though he believes that you are the hurler of lightning so to speak is the fact that he somehow found out that if you used the lightning on him, he could sue, or call social services. You’ve got an interesting young child there, while innocent enough to believe that you control weather, he’s savvy enough to know how to use it against you. It’s like the dicotomy of master versus student, or a well played ping-pong game.